Mid Term Portfolio Reflection
Improvements and Reflection
While I was reflecting on my first half of the semester I found a few areas I would like to improve upon. I would like to improve on getting the whole figure in the drawing area during gesture drawing. I find it very difficult to force myself to draw so quickly because I usually work slow while I am drawing things out. I would also like to draw the whole figure larger during our longer drawings, I find myself only using a quarter of the page when I should be drawing larger to fill the page with the figure as we are taking so much time to focus and draw. I would also like to measure more accurately and get the essence of the person I am drawing more exactly on my page. I want to also practice more restraint in the beginning of my long drawing sessions as I find myself darkening areas too quickly when I have to erase them out and redraw them back in anyways.
As for the shell drawing and homework I would like to focus more attention on the curve of the shell with more lines in the front and fewer lighter lines going farther away in the distance. There were some areas in my first shell drawing where the lines coming over the front curve of the shell connected or confused the eye with the lines in the concave part of the shell so I tried to fix them up to make sure they weren't connected. I am happy with the overall drawing and the long axis line that takes up the majority of the page but feel that I need to pay more attention to details and giving the drawing a sense of life.
View my Portfolio here.
I have also found it difficult to get the whole figure on the page in the short gesture drawings because I focus so much on all the details of the body and try to remember to include everything that we learn in class. I think that part of what could solve this problem is going back to the ideas from the beginning of the semester and not worrying so much about getting everything right. The gesture drawings are more about getting the whole figure down and in the correct proportions rather than getting the legs just right.